
Shared Data

PublicationData DescriptionDownload Link
Wallace et al., JNE 2023-Neural features and error labels used to train error classifiers for each day used in the study
-Trial data from an example experiment day with runs for offline calibration, online brain control, error monitoring, and error correction.
Willsey et al., Nat Comms, 2022-Python code defining the temporally-convolved, feedforward neural network described in the publication.Download
Vaskov et al., IEEE TRO, 2022-Electromyography from bipolar electrodes implanted into Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces and residual muscles in two people with amputationsDownload
Nason et al., Neuron, 2021-Example data from manipulandum control and brain control trials, including behavioral data, intracortical neural data, and target information, during the center-out task

-Example data from manipulandum control trials during the random task

-Example code to generate most paper figures
Nason et al.Nature BME, 2020
-Example simulation data for generating results similar to figures 1, 2, and 3

-One example continuous in vivo data recording with synchronized sorted units for generating results similar to figure 3

-Example training trials for an online Kalman filter that contributed to figure 4